For R and M
When I asked her about him
she had a smile that I hadn't seen before
( there was an impression:
she had just climbed in a tree, laughing
- she might have clapped her hands,
she might have had her eyes closed
- I couldn't tell for sure ).
As if she had made a display case
out of a small ebony table,
she showed me the gifts he had sent her.
Then I learned how to bow and whisper.
Când am întrebat-o despre el,
a avut un zâmbet pe care nu i-l știam
( am avut impresia că urcase, râzând, într-un copac
- nu vedeam dacă bătea din palme ușor
sau doar avea ochii închiși ).
Mi-a arătat apoi, ca și când
ar fi făcut dintr-o măsuță de abanos o cutie
darurile pe care i le trimitea el.
Am învățat, atunci, să m-aplec, să șoptesc.