luni, 12 septembrie 2011

Pe vârfuri. Walking on the toes

Pentru Michael - For Michael

Photo by me
Edited by Roxana Ghiţă

În ziua aceea lăsasem totul
ca să stau pe covor
-eu, geometria şi moliciunea,
plăcute jocuri, încă din copilărie.

Aranjând cu mare dichis piesele,
m-am trezit într-un ţipăt:
electricitatea dădea iama-n covor
-dansez pe sârmă, în jurul curentului.

On that day I let everything aside
to sit down on the carpet
-I, the geometry and the softness
-pleasant games, since I was a child.

And, while carefully arranging the pieces
I realized that I was screaming:
the electricity had inflamed the carpet
-I'm dancing on the wire around the current.

And now Michael's version, with many thanks for his care and for his efforts:

On Tiptoe

That day I put everything aside
to sit down on the carpet
-me, geometry, softness
-amusing games, from childhood.

But, while carefully arranging the pieces
I jolted awake with a scream:
the electricity had ignited the carpet
-I'm dancing on the wire, around the current.


6 comentarii:

  1. childhood
    lost in between
    the softness and the roundness
    of electri(c)city

    inside the tiny
    partcles of cloth
    there is the silence
    of rememberance


  2. This is the way it happens then: first, you reach a relative calm; then, you achieve a second, finer balance; and finally, if only rarely, you attain a brief instant of absolute immobility.

    For the wind of our thoughts is more violent than the wind of balance and will soon set this delicate feather fluttering again.

    from On the High Wire by Philippe Petit

  3. Flipi,all your comments are a plus rather a minus:)And I think that the particles of cloth are arranged too,minus and plus,always following an asymptotic direction, and even in that rememberance of silence their intricate logic appears to us till our complete redemption

  4. Pensum,thank you for visiting my blog,I'm really sorry that my English does not permit me to answer how I wish.There are not only awful mistakes in my discourse,but I can't express the connotationes that I want to.Anyway,I will do my best:)

    Thank you also for these "flying" words.Probably the balances become more and more fine and we can be in the heart oh immobility,immobility itself.And I'm sure that feathers will be set ,beyond the apparent "violence".For example here,with us,there is no contradiction:)

  5. the dance,in the current:)on the wire,for now:)


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