Pentru Michael - For Michael
Photo by me
Edited by Roxana Ghiţă
În ziua aceea lăsasem totul
ca să stau pe covor
-eu, geometria şi moliciunea,
plăcute jocuri, încă din copilărie.
Aranjând cu mare dichis piesele,
m-am trezit într-un ţipăt:
electricitatea dădea iama-n covor
-dansez pe sârmă, în jurul curentului.
On that day I let everything aside
to sit down on the carpet
-I, the geometry and the softness
-pleasant games, since I was a child.
And, while carefully arranging the pieces
I realized that I was screaming:
the electricity had inflamed the carpet
-I'm dancing on the wire around the current.
...And now Michael's version, with many thanks for his care and for his efforts:
On Tiptoe
That day I put everything aside
to sit down on the carpet
-me, geometry, softness
-amusing games, from childhood.
But, while carefully arranging the pieces
I jolted awake with a scream:
the electricity had ignited the carpet
-I'm dancing on the wire, around the current.